The 5 Step Journey to becoming a millionaire

Estimated read time 4 min read

Being a millionaire is a lot of people’s dream which unfortunately never comes true. There are so many variables so it seems and so many things that seem like a million challenges hence most people then never take up the journey. The journey to becoming a millionaire is easier to understand when we know the steps that need to be taken, after all, every journey starts with one step, and five steps can just get you into the Promised Land.

1.     Identify the idea that you have

If you have an idea you have a million dollars, you just need to establish the idea and fulfill the other 4 steps in the journey that you take Remember what Armstrong said about one small step, in this case the journey of a thousand miles starts with one step but the experience of a journey is in number of steps you fulfill.

Until one single candle is lit the hope of light remains a distant thought, but when one candle is lit, light becomes a reality that can be spread. One idea can light up an entire room and create a vision for many.


2.     Put a Value to the idea

Until you appreciate the value of your idea it is difficult to plan for it or to be able to put it into perspective. The first 2 steps are about forming the idea into something that makes sense to you. If the idea has no value it is difficult to push it with the right passion or the right appreciation. There is need to be more realistic about the idea.

A diamond is not a diamond until one puts a value to it. Money is a perception that has been given a value that people believe in and can trade for. Put a value to your idea and sell it the best way that you can.


3.     Let the idea become a product in a market

Until the idea is in the marketplace it will only have value to yourself and no one else. If Mark Zuckerberg had not brought Facebook into the market it would not be worth the billions that is worth today. The journey of a millionaire becomes sure footed when it tests the market. Exposure of an idea to a place of demand will determine its true worth. The more people understand an idea and are willing to exchange a value for it the better are your chances of becoming a millionaire.

tree money
The idea can easily become a money tree that you can depend on

4.     Consolidate the demand and keep the product selling

The mistake people make on their journey to try to reach a millionaire destination is forgetting to keep the idea or product available to the place of demand. It is a lot of work and comes with a lot of stress at the beginning. No matter how much effort you have to put in you have to be relentless in your steps. Sometimes there is no time off and sometimes there are no friends or time to wait for anyone.

Keep the product selling and keep the demand having the product available. Availability is equal to opportunity.

The more available the product is to a place of demand the greater the opportunity of demand.


5.     The step of competition

If an idea is to make millions then that idea must compete and be worth the competition to anyone. This step is about efficiency, effectiveness and being of good quality. When a product lacks efficiency of production it will cost you too much for it to be of any competition to other products, if the products lacks effectiveness it will fail to do what it promises to do, and if it lacks quality it becomes a nuisance to the buying market.

For any idea to be worth millions it must stand the journey of competition. Make sure your ideas can compete in the market for you to be a millionaire.


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