Incredible reasons why you find it difficult get rid of your old habits

Estimated read time 3 min read

There are habits which we have that we know we need to get rid but as much as we try we just never seem to get to that point where we can say that we have gotten rid of them. Some of these habits stand in our way for success as they can be costing us of time, networks, or just discipline to focus on what is right for us.

They are not old they are current

One of the  reason it is hard to get rid of old habits is that we make a mistake  in thinking that these are “old habits”, yet in real sense these are current habits. When we label them as old we tend to think of an old man that bothers us so we think we can easily overpower them to get to what we want yet our habits are the exact opposite. Our current habits are strong well muscle-toned beings who are in good shape and very able to go the distance. To get rid of such habits you need to be strong as well and to be in good shape. Most people then cannot get rid of their “Old Habits” because they themselves are not in shape.

Its a marathon not a sprint

keep runningWhen you are trying to change your habits we tend to forget that we nurtured these habits over a long journey, it took time, focus and dedication. In the same sense it will also take time, not short burst of sprints but long stamina marathons. Your brain  is wired over time to follow specific paths which are the habits, if you are to get rid of these habits you need to re-wire as well. When you think that it just takes short sprints you are probably fooling yourself and will be disappointed.

“Old Habits” make up your personality

Most of the times you fight any suggestion of change subconsciously because this is who you are. Your habits make up part of who you are and any attempt to change who you are is normally met with the strongest and fiercest resistance which is what happens when change is suggested. When you decide to let go of some of your habits you need to be ready to accept that you are forging a new personality that you need to accept.

You cannot change without a replacement

Everything needs to occupy a space, and habits occupy a space in your life. If you used to going to the club then that habit needs to be substituted by something new for that specific club time. If you  do not substitute the time and space with something to fill it then you will sooner than later go back to the same old habits. When we run our 10 day challenge one of the things we ask our participants to do is to substitute their habits with a new habit. We do this in order to minimize the risk of old habits finding the space still there.

You can change your old habits but it is normally difficult so it takes time. A good program, mentor or self-discipline usually does the trick. Have fun or get in touch!!


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